Place Hierarchy

South Berstead, Sussex, Top Level

Individuals @ South Berstead, Sussex
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INDINameBirthAnniversaryPlaceChildrenDeathAnniversaryAgePlaceLast Change
1I2313Turner, AnnANN,TURNERTURNER,ANN2010200124 June 2011 - 5:55:41pmFYESYES
about 1882
14260 24 June 2011 - 5:55:41pmMYESYES
3I2314Turner, FannieFANNIE,TURNERTURNER,FANNIE1990198124 June 2011 - 5:55:41pmFYESYES
4I2240Turner, FrederickFREDERICK,TURNERTURNER,FREDERICK1971111384 24 June 2011 - 5:55:41pmMYESYES
5I2316Turner, MaryMARY,TURNERTURNER,MARY196017917 24 June 2011 - 5:55:41pmFYESYES
Given Names

Total individuals : 5

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